PreciFast Pvt Ltd is conceived to be a complete solution provider for all fastening needs of esteemed customers. A young enterprise driven by passion targeted to create value to all stake holders and set a global foot print to become one of the leading manufacturers of fasteners.

One-Stop shop for all your fastening requirements

We offer wide variety of fasteners viz., screws, bolts, nuts, socket bolts with 6.8 to 12.9 grade in various surface finishes viz., hexavalent, trivalent GEO/Dacromat coatings

Completely vertical integrated manufacturing facility

All processes viz forging, thread rolling, heat treatment, secondary operations and plating are in-house

  • Greater flexibility – Speed in development
  • Competitive – reduced supply chain linkages
  • Consistent quality - Zero defect

Solution provider

We offer complete solution to the fastener requirement in terms of design, applications and supply chain optimization (warehouses near customer locations enabling JIT) and most importantly standardization & variety reduction of fasteners

Committed team

Highly experienced team with more than 2 decades of experience in the field of fastening solutions and committed work force